Expert Tax Services for financial advisors & clients
We've studied the tax code and keep up with changes so you don't have to!

Tax Consulting
Advisor Facing Tax can help you research complex tax issues that come up in your client’s financial plan. We can also run multiple scenarios to help you come up with the most tax efficient plan to help you serve your clients better. Common projects include…
stock option analysis and scenario planning
Clients with RSU, NQSO, ISO and ESPP have complex tax planning requirements. We provide detailed analysis and BNA Income Tax Planning reports to assist you and the client with tax critical information to support your financial plan.
Analyzing sale of stocks and rental properties
Roth IRA Conversions

Tax Preparation
McCarthy Tax Preparation provides both personal and business income tax preparation for your clients while keeping you in the loop. We work as part of your team since you are uniquely positioned to know your client’s financial and tax life in its entirety. You will see a draft of your client’s tax return before it is filed and final copies can be uploaded to your document sharing system.
All of our proposals include tax return preparation AND tax planning. We feel passionate about helping clients proactively plan for their taxes, reduce tax liabilities and eliminating April surprises. Each new client receives a fall tax projection and a 30 minute call to discuss tax planning questions. (Advisors are also welcome to attend these calls.)
Packages start at $1,200

Let’s discuss your tax needs.